Dr. Anna Yumiao Tian is Associate Professor in IBSS at XJTLU. Prior to this, she worked at Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University after she obtained her Ph. D in Teesside University with a full scholarship. Her Ph. D work was awarded Doctoral Fellowship by Northern Leadership Academy with less than 30 successful candidates across UK.
She has published academic papers in highly ranked journals such as Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Ethics, International Marketing Review, The international Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation and various international conferences. She serves as editorial board member for International Journal of Family Business and Management, and reviewer for International Business Review, Journal of Business and Industrial marketing and Thunderbird International Business Review. Anna has been working with British government and organizations such as UKTI, NECC and LEP to assist local SMEs explore and maintain business and markets widely in Europe and Asia. She has also successfully attracted around £120K research fund across UK and China. Her work of consultancy has guided a major Chinese national railway and locomotive company successfully develop subsidiaries in oversea markets. Anna has been teaching various levels of students in UK universities and took responsibility of programme and course development. She served as external examiner for several UK universities and also led a European master programme with Turku School of Economics, Portsdam University Business and Malta University Business School. Anna is also serving a role as Deputy Head of Division and a panel member for University Review Board.