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A career path can be defined as a series of jobs that lead you closer to your career goals and vision for life. Some people follow a linear path through one field, advancing into roles with more responsibilities and higher salaries. Others shift companies, industries, or roles more frequently, and accumulate experience in a variety of roles.


For young people, there are many opportunities to try different jobs early in their careers. There are also opportunities to change the direction of your career. In these attempts, you might be wondering what you can do to steer your career in the direction you desire. Should you stick to a linear path and seek advancement in a single field, or should you take on diverse roles and explore multiple paths? 


We are delighted to invite you to attend this DARE event and discuss this topic with two experienced professionals, Ms. Angela Pan and Mr. Kevin Wu and two young talents, Ms. Livia Zhang and Mr. Rocky Zhu in evening of May 23rd. 

我们非常高兴地邀请您在5月23日晚上来参加我们的DARE活动, 和两位资深职场人: Angela 和 Kevin,以及两位青年才俊 Livia 和 Rocky 一起来探讨这个问题。

Target Audience | 参与对象

  • Young talents from DUSA member companies who are | 来自DUSA会员公司的年轻人。如果您
  1.  willing to transform your potentials into the competencies; | 希望将自己的个人潜力转化为工作中的胜任力;
  2. confused in their career development and seeking help; | 在职场发展中有一些困惑并寻求帮助;
  3. looking for a platform to fully show yourself and display your talents; | 寻找平台充分展示自我,施展才华;

  • Leaders from DUSA member companies who are | 来自DUSA会员公司的管理者。如果您
  1. overwhelmed when managing young employees; | 在管理年轻员工时力不从心;
  2. willing to know what young employees really think; | 希望了解年轻员工的真实想法;
  3. delighted to inspire young talents by providing them some guidance on the career development. | 愿意激励年轻人,给他们一些职场发展的建议。 

Event Registration

  1. This is a member exclusive event. The registration is only open for employees from DUSA member companies. | 该活动是DUSA会员活动。活动注册仅限于DUSA会员企业的员工
  2. There are only 30 seats, please register for this event as early as possible. | 该活动仅有30个席位,请尽早注册。


Chinese | 中文



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  • Livia Zhang (Training  Account Manager, Dale Carnegie)

    Livia Zhang

    Training Account Manager, Dale Carnegie


  • Rocky Zhu (Finance Executive, TROX Air Conditioning Components (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.)

    Rocky Zhu

    Finance Executive, TROX Air Conditioning Components (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.


  • Kevin Wu (General Manager, Adcomm Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd)

    Kevin Wu

    General Manager, Adcomm Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd


  • Angela Pan (Training and Development  Manager, CCL DESIGN IDT(Intelligent Decorative Technologies))

    Angela Pan

    Training and Development Manager, CCL DESIGN IDT(Intelligent Decorative Technologies)


  • Dr. Laurence Lau (Moderator) (Executive Coach | OD Consultant | AI + HR Architect| Founder of C_Life)

    Dr. Laurence Lau (Moderator)

    Executive Coach | OD Consultant | AI + HR Architect| Founder of C_Life


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