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In addition to the well-known office applications, Office 365 also provides multiple intelligent collaborative communication components, including TAMES and PLANNER. These components can be applied individually, more often as a composite application, and can be better integrated with Office 365. | Office 365中除了日常办公应用外,还提供了多个智能协作沟通的组件,包含TEAMS 和 PLANNER 等。这些组件可以单独应用,更多情况下是综合应用,并能更好地与Office 365集成。

Through this course, trainees may understand the functions of multiple components of Office 365, and master the comprehensive application of components with case studies and practices. | 本课程采取案例教学+现场练习的形式,带领学员了解Office 365 多个组件的功能,并掌握组件的综合应用。

Course Target | 课程目标

  • Know the functions of TEAMS as a communication and collaboration tool | 掌握TEAMS沟通协作工具;
  • Lean how to add applications in TEAMS l 掌握TEAMS附加多个Apps方法;
  • Understand PLANNER, the application for task allocation statistics l 掌握PLANNER 任务分配统计工具。

Course Outline | 课程大纲

Enhance the communication and collaboration with TEAMS| 用TEAMS促进团队沟通协作

  • Three scenarios make office easier | 三种场景让办公更轻松
  1. Give priority to the time-sensitive information | 优先处理时间敏感型信息;
  2. Manage the communication within the team and between different teams easily| 轻松管理团队内部通信和不同团队之间的通信,
  3. Publish the same message in multiple channels at the same time with the cross-channel publishing function | 借助跨频道发布功能,可同时在多个频道中发布同一条消息。
  • Microsoft TEAMS is not only a chat application | Microsoft TEAMS 不仅仅是聊天
  1. TEAMS Channel & Chat;
  2. Send notifications across teams with TEAMS | 用TEAMS跨团队发布通知;
  3. Document management in TEAMS | TEAMS中的文件管理;
  4. TEAMS & Forms。
  • Dialogue in TEAMS | TEAMS 中的对话
  1. Manage the dialogue in teams | 管理团队中的协作对话;
  2. Add emojis, GIFs and stickers | 添加Emojis,GIFs和贴纸;
  3. Send, receive, modify and delete the mails| 发送,接收,编辑和删除邮件;
  4. Set the format | 设置通信格式;
  5. Send emails to your team channel| 向您的团队频道发送电子邮件;
  6. Add bookmark and like flag to the important message | 给重要的信息添加书签和喜欢。


Manage the team task with PLANNER | 用PLANNER管理团队任务

  • What is PLANNER | 什么是PLANNER;
  • Make a plan | 制定计划;
  • Create barrel | 创建桶;
  • Create, assign and manage the task for the team | 为团队创建,分配和管理任务;
  • Mark the task when it is completed | 标记任务完成;
  • How to use Board, Chart and Schedule View | 利用Board,图表和日程视图;
  • Make the project calendar | 构建项目日历;
  • Integrate into your emails and documents | 整合到您的邮件和文档。


TEAMS Integration | TEAMS集成

  • Teams+Planner
  • Teams+Documents(Word/Excel/PPT)
  • Teams+SharePoint
  • Teams+Forms

Target Audiences | 课程受众

  • User of Office 365 l Office 365 用户;
  • Business Process Manager l 业务流程管理人员;
  • Team Managers l 团队管理人员。

Registration and Payment

  • This is an online training which will be held on MS TEAMS. You will get the meeting link by email when you register for this event and pay the registration fee. The registration cannot be cancelled after the meeting link is sent to your mailbox.  | 这是一个线上培训, 将会通过微软的TEAMS进行。您将在活动注册完成并支付了注册费用后收到一封含有培训链接的注册确认邮件。在收到注册确认邮件后,您的注册就不能取消了。
  • The e-invoice will be sent to you by email one week after the event. | 培训费用的电子发票将在培训结束后一周内通过邮件发送给大家。


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