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"OKR" has greatly improved the concept and method of goal management and has since ushered goal Management into a new phase. "OKR" stands for "Objectives and Key Results." "OKR"s are an effective goal-setting and leadership tool for communicating what needs to be accomplished and what milestones are necessary in order to accomplish it. "OKR"s are widely used by various world's leading organizations to set and enact their strategies.

目标管理已经到了一个新的发展时期,OKR目标管理的提出又将目标管理的理念和方法有了很大的提升,OKR目标管理全称是Objectives and Key Results 即目标与关键成果法(OKR),这是一个有效的目标设定及管理的工具,帮助管理者传达希望达成的目标,以及为实现这些目标所需要设定的里程碑。目前,在各类世界领先企业OKR被广泛应用于设定和实施他们的战略。

By explaining "ideas + methods + tools", this course is designed to help you understand "OKR", how to improve corporate performance by "OKR", and help companies to get better development in an increasingly competitive environment.


Course Objective | 课程目标

  • Understand the core concepts of performance management and "OKR" | 明确绩效管理及OKR目标管理的核心思想及理念;
  • Know the basic procedure of "OKR" | 掌握OKR目标管理运行的基本流程;
  • Learn how to motivate employees and team innovation by "OKR" | 学会应用OKR目标激励员工和团队创新工作;
  • Be able to track the control the process through "OKR" in order to improve the work efficiency. | 掌握如何通过OKR跟踪和管控进程,提高工作效率。

Course Outline| 课程大纲

The corn concepts of "OKR" | OKR目标管理思想及理念;

1.     Why implement OKR? | 为什么要实施OKR目标管理?

2.     What is "OKR"? | 什么是 OKR?


Operational methods, processes and technique of "OKR" | OKR目标管理操作方法、流程及技巧;

1.     What is objectives-setting in "OKR"? | 什么是OKR目标"O"的设定?

2.     Commitment to objectives | 对目标"O"的承诺;

3.     How to set "KRs" corresponding to objectives? | 与OKR目标"O" 对应的"KRs"制定;

4.     How to make the action plan corresponding to "KRs"? | 与"KRs" 对应的行动计划制定;


Manage "OKR"" | OKR 目标管理的管控

1.     How to check the OKR? | 如何进行OKR目标检查?

2.     How to do quarterly summary of OKR? | 如何进行OKR季度总结?

3.     Advance the OKR goal management | 如何推进OKR目标管理工作?

Registration & administration arrangement

  1. The seats are limited, please register for this training as early as possible. | 该培训仅有有限席位,请尽早注册。
  2. The e-invoice will be sent to you one week after the event. | 电子发票将在培训结束后一周内发送给您。
  3. This is a whole day training. DUSA will not arrange the lunch. There is a canteen on the first floor of the training venue, where the trainees may have lunch. | 这是一个全天的培训,DUSA将不安排午餐。培训场地的一楼有个餐厅,大家可以安排就近用餐。


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Cancellation Policy

If you register for an event but can't attend, please do let us know in advance. If you cancel 1 day before the event, there will be NO cancellation fee. DUSA will charge 100% of the registration fee for cancellation within 24 hours.

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