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Dear DUSA Members and Friends,

Today this page features news from our member: CAREL Electronic and key recent policies update: new visa policies start today.

News from CAREL Electronic

Inauguration of CAREL's New Production Plant in Suzhou

Over 15,000 square metres, the new CAREL Group plant, which focuses on Research & Development and technological innovation, has been inaugurated on July 16, in the Suzhou area.

2019年7月16日上午,卡乐电子(苏州)有限责任公司隆重举行新厂房落成典礼。新的工厂占地面积由原来5,000平方米扩大到15,000平方米, 更加关注于研发和技术创新。

The cutting of the ribbon was attended by the company's founders Luigi Nalini and Luigi Rossi Luciani and Group CEO Francesco Nalini, representatives of Suzhou New District, Wang Mou, Huang Feng, and the Italian Consul in Shanghai Michele Cecchi, who personally opened the ceremony. They also witness this historic moment with repesentative of Chinese Association of Refrigeration, Italian Chamber of Commerce in China, CAREL's business partners around the world and all employees of CAREL Suzhou.

卡乐创始人Luigi Nalini、Luigi Rossi Luciani,卡乐集团董事长Fancesco Nalini亲自率领集团多位高层出席此次活动。苏州高新区领导王牟、黄锋,意大利上海领事馆 Michele Cecchi等各位代表出席活动并参与剪彩仪式,中国制冷学会与意中商会的代表也莅临现场,与卡乐电子全球各地的合作伙伴和卡乐苏州全体员工,共同见证了这一历史时刻。

"When we built the first plant in 2005, we were convinced of the importance of investing in this market," commented Francesco Nalini, CAREL Group CEO during the ceremony. "Today, the inauguration of the new production plant in the Suzhou district confirms that we made the right decision in the past, and opens up great prospects for the future. The construction of this new site symbolises our dedication and continuous commitment to creating a centre of excellence in China and a point of reference for the whole of Asia". 

在此次新厂房落成典礼上,卡乐集团CEO Francesco Nalini在致辞中表示,非常荣幸能够参加卡乐电子苏州新厂房的落成典礼,早在2005年于苏州建立第一家制造工厂之时,卡乐就明确了在中国投资的重要性。今天,新工厂的落成将印证卡乐为客户和合作伙伴提供更好服务的郑重承诺。随着卡乐持续进行技术和创新投资,提高应用技术、设计和制造等能力,卡乐对客户的承诺只会与日俱增。所有这些投资都将结出累累硕果,因为卡乐不仅想为人们提供更好的服务,还想提供更加快捷的服务。

In the more than 15,000 square metres of the new complex, a significant area will be dedicated to Research & Development.

超过15000 平方米的卡乐电子苏州新综合体厂房中,研发功能的实验室和展厅将占据重要地位。

The approximately 50 personnel employed in Research & Development will contribute to making the new research centre a major hub of key competencies, useful for developing technologically-advanced solutions in line with the expectations of all CAREL's customers in China and throughout the APAC region. This will further enhance CAREL's production capacity and innovation capabilities in China.


Key Recent Policies Update

China Issued New Visa Policies, Starting Aug. 1st, 2019

More convenient immigration and entry-exit policies will be adopted nationwide starting Aug 1 that make it easier for foreign talent to come to China, the National Immigration Administration said last week on Wednesday. 国家移民局上周三表示:从8月1日起,将在全国范围内实施更加便利的移民和出入境政策,使外国人进入中国更加便捷。

The 12 new policies aim to attract foreign talent, outstanding youths and overseas Chinese to innovate, start businesses, study and work in China to help promote economic and social development. 这12项新政策旨在吸引外国人才、杰出青年和海外华人到中国创新、创业、学习和工作,以促进经济和社会发展。

This extension will allow a wider range of foreigners across the country to apply for permanent residency, long-term visas, and residence permits, said Chen Bin, head of the immigration authority's department of foreigner administration. 移民局外国人管理司司长陈斌说,这一新政将允许更多外国人申请永久居留权、长期签证和居留许可。

1. The new policies add three types of people to those eligible for permanent residency


  • Foreigners with high-level professional talents who meet the special needs of the state may apply to the Exit-Entry Administration Department of the Public Security Bureau for permanent residence in China upon the recommendation of the relevant competent authorities of the state, the People's government at the provincial level, or the key development regional administrative departments of the state. Foreign spouses and minor children of the above-mentioned persons may apply together. 对外籍高层次人才、有重大突出贡献以及国家特别需要的外国人,经国家有关主管部门、省级人民政府或国家重点发展区域管理部门推荐,可向公安机关出入境管理部门申请在华永久居留。上述人员的外籍配偶和未成年子女可随同申请。

  • Foreigners working in China for four consecutive years, living in the territory for no less than six months out of each year, whose annual income is no less than six times above the average wage in the region where they were employed the previous year, and who bear an income tax of more than 20% of the income standard, is eligible to apply for permanent residence in China. Foreign spouses and minor children may apply together. 在中国境内工作的外国人,连续工作满4年、每年实际居住不少于6个月,工资性年收入不低于上一年度所在地区城镇在岗 职工平均工资的六倍,年缴纳个人所得税不低于工资性年收入标准的20%,可向公安机关出入境管理部门申请在华永久居留。其外籍配偶和未成年子女可随同申请。

  • Foreign Chinese applicants working in China with a doctoral degree or working in key development areas of the state for more than four consecutive years, and living in the territory for no less than six months out of each year, may apply for permanent residence at the Exit-Entry Bureau. Foreign spouses and minor children may apply together. 在中国境内工作的外籍华人,具有博士研究生学历或在国家重点发展区域连续工作满4年、每年实际居住不少于6个月,可向公安机关出入境管理部门申请在华永久居留。其外籍配偶和未成年子女可随同申请。

2. Widen the scope of long-term visa and residence permit


  • Foreign experts and scholars invited by prominent domestic higher education institutions, scientific research institutes, and well-established enterprises, as well as high-level executives and professionals with sought-after technical skills, may apply for a port visa entry at the port visa department of the Public Security Bureau. Upon entering China, the applicant can apply for multiple visas or residence permits valid for less than 5 years directly at the Exit-Entry Bureau by presenting the certificate letter and any other supporting documents needed. 国内重点高等院校、科研院所和知名企业邀请的外国专家学者,以及设区的市级以上人民政府人才主管部门、科技创新主管部门认定的外籍高层次管理和专业技术人才,可向公安机关口岸签证部门申办口岸签证入境。入境后凭邀请单位的证明函件等材料,可向公安机关出入境管理部门申办有效期5年以内的多次签证或居留许可。

  • Foreign talents and members of start-up companies operating in key local industries may apply for a residence permit of up to 5 years at the Exit-Entry Bureau by way of a work permit, a letter and any other supporting materials required. Those applicants can apply for their residence permit using a reference letter from their team leader. 国内重点发展领域、行业引进的外籍人才和创新创业团队成员,可凭工作许可和单位函件等材料,向公安机关出入境管理部门申办有效期5年以内的居留许可。创新创业团队外籍成员,也可凭团队负责人担保函件办理有效期5年以内的居留许可。

  • Foreigners who can prove an outstanding professional track record and meet the special needs of the state may recommend foreign members of the working team and research support personnel to apply for long-term visas or residence permits, valid for less than five years, at the Exit-Entry Bureau. 有重大突出贡献以及国家特别需要的外国人,可推荐其带领的工作团队外籍成员和科研辅助人员,向公安机关出入境管理部门申办有效期5年以内的长期签证或居留许可。

  • Foreigners employed by enterprises and public institutions in China whose existing work permits are about to expire and cannot spare enough time to apply for a new work visa may apply for the work residence permit at the Exit-Entry Bureau using their existing work permit and other supporting materials. For those who have applied for the work residence permit for more than one year twice consecutively without any violation of laws or regulations may apply for the work residence permit for a valid period of five years at the Exit-Entry Bureau, in accordance with the provisions of the third application for the work residence permit. 中国境内企事业单位聘雇的外国人,已办妥工作许可、来不及出境办理工作签证的,可凭工作许可等材料向公安机关出入境管理部门申办工作类居留许可;对已连续两次办理1年以上工作类居留许可且无违法违规行为的,第三次申请工作类居留许可,可向公安机关出入境管理部门按规定申办有效期5年的工作类居留许可。

3. Widen the scope of introducing foreign talents


  • Highly skilled foreign talents working in key domestic institutions in higher education, scientific research institutes and well-established enterprises can accept part-time occupations in the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship with the consent of their work units and part-time units, as well as the Exit-Entry Bureau. 在国内重点高等院校、科研院所和知名企业工作的外籍高层次人才,经工作单位和兼职单位同意并向公安机关出入境管理部门备案,可兼职创新创业。

  • Outstanding foreign students who have obtained a Bachelor's degree or above in key domestic higher education institutions and are engaged in innovation and entrepreneurship activities in China after graduation may apply for a residence permit valid for 2 to 5 years at the Exit-Entry Bureau, on the condition of providing the university graduation certificate, innovation and entrepreneurship certificate and other certification materials that may be requested. 在国内重点高等院校获得本科以上学历的外国优秀留学生,毕业后在中国从事创新创业活动的,可凭高校毕业证书和创新创业等证明材料,向公安机关出入境管理部门申办有效期2至5年的居留许可。

  • Foreign students who graduate from internationally renowned universities and come to work in the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship in China within 2 years after graduation may apply for a residence permit valid for less than 2 years directly at the Exit-Entry Bureau on the strength of academic record (degree) certificates and other materials. 在国际知名高校毕业的外国学生,毕业后2年内来中国创新创业的,可凭学历(学位)证明等材料,向公安机关出入境管理部门申办有效期2年以内的居留许可。

  • Foreign students from overseas colleges and universities who are invited to work temporarily in China by well-established local companies and institutions may apply for a visa at the Exit-Entry Bureau, valid for one year for internships by presenting their invitation letter and the university certificate, as well as any other supporting materials required. Foreign students who come to China for an internship in accordance with the inter-governmental agreement may apply for a work residence, should they meet all the required provisions. 国内知名企业和事业单位邀请来中国实习的境外高校外国学生,凭邀请单位函件和高校就读证明等材料,可向公安机关出入境管理部门申办有效期1年的签证进行实习活动。根据政府间协议来华实习的境外高校外国学生,可按规定申办工作类居留许可。

4. Further assistance to foreigners


  • Establish immigration service center in areas with large concentrations of foreigners. Matters can include legal assistance, language and cultural activities, and any other services that are related to working, studying, and living in China as a foreign applicant. 探索在外国人较集中地区建立移民事务服务中心(站点),为常住外国人提供政策咨询、居留旅行、法律援助、语言文化等工作学习生活便利服务。

Source CN:

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If you have any News to share with us, DUSA Secretary, Maggie Chen would be happy to support you, please contact her at: and she is also reachable via mobile: +86 180 5104 2137.

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