Survey Introduction

This survey is built upon two critical assumptions. First, there is a global divide between the advanced and emerging economies given their extreme contextual distances or gaps, so two distinctive business models and core competences are required. Second, all existing models of global strategy assume the supremacy of the original or first home, but we argue that a novel perspective is needed to bridge and leverage the two sides of the global divide.


The survey consists of six parts with sixty questions.

Part 1 - contains 18 questions

Part 2 - 6 questions,

Part 3 - 10 questions,

Part 4 - 16 questions,

Part 5 - 6 questions and part 6 - 4 questions. 

It will take about 20-30 minutes to complete the entire survey.

Survey Link


How to Do

Be mindful that there is no right or wrong answer. Do not take too long to think before answering the questions.

Contact Details

Roberto Donร ,

Professor of Practice in Management

Associate Dean for Corporate Engagement

International Business School Suzhou (IBSS) at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University


It is highly appreciated for your support.

Wish all of you a wonderful Christmas in preparation of a successful 2019.

Thank You and Best Regards,


The DUSA Team