This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other DUSA European Association Suzhou events.

Price wars are the norm today, not the exception. Procurement teams are under relentless pressure to slash costs, competitors are aggressively undercutting prices, and customers are demanding more value for less money. If you don't negotiate strategically, you risk losing deals to rivals ready to offer deep discounts or superior advantages.



The reality is simple: if you don't master price and value negotiations, your competitors will.



This 1-day "Price and Value Negotiations" training will equip you with the critical skills to navigate high-stakes price negotiations, even when competitors seem to hold the upper hand. You'll learn to uncover hidden buyer motivations, defend your value, and push back against aggressive cost-cutting demands. Through hands-on exercises, case studies, and role-playing, you'll develop tactics to hold your ground and avoid being squeezed into unprofitable deals. 


Key takeaways include:


1)Uncover hidden buyer motivations and leverage them to your advantage


2)Articulate your value proposition with clarity and confidence


3)Develop persuasive arguments to justify your pricing and overcome objections


4)Negotiate effectively and assertively while maintaining strong customer relationships


5)Identify and exploit competitive advantages to differentiate yourself from the competition


Objectives and Benefits | 课程目标和学员收益

By the end of the training programme, you shall be able to:


1)Master value-based negotiation by shifting discussions from price to value and differentiating from discount-driven competitors,


2)Confidently handle price pressures by countering procurement-driven cost cuts and defending margins without losing deals,


3)Uncover hidden buyer motivations using advanced questioning to reveal decision drivers and outmaneuver competitors.


Training Outline | 培训大纲

What is Negotiation | 谈判是什么

  • Getting others to give you what you want, by giving them what they want | 通过给对方他们想要的东西以让他们给你所要要的东西
  • What exactly do you want? What happens when you can't get what you want? | 你要什么?如果得不到会怎样?
  • What do they want? | 对方要的是什么?如果对方得不到优惠怎样?
  • Price vs Value vs Cost | 价格 vs 价值 vs 成本
  • Value-based pricing | 基于价值的定价
  • Key negotiation concepts e.g. BATNA, ZOPA etc. | 主要谈判概念,如 BATNA、ZOPA 等。
  • Activity: 3-way negotiations | 活动::三方谈判

 Negotiation Frameworks | 谈判模型

  • Using the Kraljic matrix to understand how procurement should categorize different types of sellers | 使用 Kraljic 矩阵了解采购应如何满足不同类型卖家的需求 
  • Discussion for sales which category do you think you belong to? How should readjust your negotiation strategy? | 销售的讨论:你认为自己属于哪一类?应如何重新调整谈判策略?


Know yourself, your negotiating partner and the alternatives | 知己知彼,百战不殆

  • What are the Hot Buttons of the other party | 对方有哪些热键
  • How do you compare with the alternatives | 你如何与替代品对比
  • Mapping the strategies needed for to improve your position | 如何按照上述分析改善你的谈判情况
  • Exercise: Hot Button Competitive Analysis based on a Case Study | 活动:按照案例进行热键分析
  • Group discussion: Based on the cases given, discuss from the perspectives of buyers and sellers and map out your negotiations matrix. Compare your conclusions | 小组讨论:根据给出的案例,从买方和卖方的角度进行讨论,并绘制谈判矩阵图.比较您的结论


Asking Questions in Negotiations | 谈判中的提问技巧

  • Why do you need to ask questions | 如何提问以找寻客户的需求
  • 5 key questioning techniques to find out hidden needs and gaps | 5种提问方式以了解对方的隐藏需求及差距
  • Exercise: You used to supply to a customer and they recently asked you for a steep discount. If you don't agree to the price, they will switch to your competitor. How would you ask questions to support your negotiation | 练习:您曾经为一家客户供货,他们最近要求您提供大幅折扣。如果你不同意这个价格,他们就会转向你的竞争对手。你将如何提问以支持您的谈判
  • Negotiations Role Play: In pairs, role play the above scenario | 谈判角色扮演:两人一组,扮演上述情景


Negotiations Role Play | 团队谈判演练 

  • Role Play Case : Your customer's procurement told you they have a mandatory 10% price-down while adding more stringent demands for all suppliers. How would you want to negotiate a solution that is mutually acceptable | 角色扮演:你的客户的采购部门告诉你,他们必须降价 10%,同时对所有供应商提出更严格的要求。 你想如何通过谈判找到双方都能接受的解决方
  • Debriefing on Negotiation role plays | 提问演练点评


Programme Wrap Up & Evaluation | 课程总结 & 培训反馈 

Methodology | 教学方法

This training consists of a lively series of short participative lectures conveyed using plain uncomplicated explanations. Learning will be facilitated through exercises and case studies. Ample seminar materials will be given to participants so that these will be a constant source of reference to them. Ample time will be allotted for group discussion. 


Who Should Attend | 谁应该参加

This training is designed especially for sales and other people who face unique negotiation challenges in China or Asia, and are looking for practical ways to achieve better negotiating outcomes.


Registration and Event Arrangement | 注册和活动安排

  • There are limited seats for this training. Please register for it at your earliest convenience. | 本次培训席位有限,请尽早注册。
  • The e-invoice will be sent to you one week after the event. | 电子发票将在培训结束后一周内发送给您。
  • This is a one-day training, lunch will be serviced during the lunch time. | 这是一整天的培训,中午会提供午餐。
  • If you have any questions during the registration, please contact | 如您在注册中有任何疑问,请联系:

      Lya Chen, Mobile Phone: 180 5104 2137, E-mail:


  • Chinese | 中文


  • C.j.Ng  黄常捷 (World-class sales, leadership and experiential learning coach and facilitator)

    C.j.Ng 黄常捷

    World-class sales, leadership and experiential learning coach and facilitator

    More Information


** The registration fee includes the lunch. 


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