Dear DUSA Members and Friends,
This page provides a three-month calendar of upcoming events for you to save the date.
July 10th - DUSA Captain's Dinner
"Companies' Current Organization and Modern Challenges"
Kempinski Hotel Suzhou
July 18th - DUSA Training
"Design Your Production Line Lean and Intelligent"
KIT China Branch/GAMI
August 7th - DUSA Social Gathering
Blue Marlin Xinghai Street, SIP (6:30 PM - 9:00 PM)
August 22nd - DUSA Training
"Designing Future Organization"
September 4th - DUSA Social Gathering
Blue Marlin Xinghai Street, SIP (6:30 PM - 9:00 PM)
September 20th - DUSA/AHK/CCOC Joint Forum
"7th Sino-German Controlling Forum"
PanPacific Hotel Suzhou
September 18th-21st - DUSA Oktoberfest
Kempinski Hotel Suzhou
September 26th - DUSA Roundtable
We are looking forward to meeting you at our upcoming events!