This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other DUSA European Association Suzhou events.

DUSA European Association Suzhou is delighted to announce that the DUSA Football Tournament 2022 is coming!

DUSA Football Tournament 2022 will be held at the Football Field of AOLAN Stadium on May 21st and May 22nd.

We would like to invite you and your team to participate in this year's tournament.

About DUSA Football Tournament

DUSA Football Tournament is a social event yearly organised with 16 teams participating from member companies. Year 2021 witnessed the DUSA Football Tournament on November 7th in day time followed by lunch BBQ and Awards Ceremony.

New Features in 2022

DUSA Football Tournament 2022 will be held in May 21st and May 22nd with two afternoons.

  • on May 21st, 12pm-6pm will be Group Stage with 16 teams | 2022年5月21日,下午12点-6点,16只队伍的小组赛;
  • on May 22nd 12pm-5pm, will be Knockout Stage for 16 teams, the top 8 teams will compete for the Cup, and another 8teams will compete for the Plate. | 2022年5月22日,下午12点-5点,前8只球队争夺"杯",后8只球队争夺"牌"

How to Register

The tournament will include a maximum of 16 teams (including DUSA-All-Star-Teams) and opens to: | 本次足球赛将组织不超过16只球队(包括"DUSA全明星队")活动对以下人员开放报名:

  • DUSA member companies; | DUSA会员公司;
  • individual members and member companies who don't have enough players to join in our DUSA-All-Star-Team. | 另外,我们欢迎DUSA个人会员和无法凑足整只球队的会员公司以个人名义报名参加"DUSA全明星队"

Registrants shall confirm their participation by sending the entry form (see Annex), pay and appoint a team captain (for team registrants) before the deadline: April 15th, 2022. | 报名者请于2022年4月15日前完成报名手续。报名手续包括:填写报名表格(见附件),支付报名费用并任命队长(针对团队报名)。

Entry Ticket Price

DUSA member companies | DUSA会员公司 : RMB 2,500 per team

DUSA Invidiual :RMB350 per person (with a set of Football Jersey)

It covers following for all players | 报名费用包括:

  • One advertisement flag/plate with company logo on the site of football field 参赛公司现场广告牌/广告旗一块
  • Snack Supply Package + 1 box of mineral bottle water each day for two days| 点心零食+1箱矿泉水;
  • Insurance for two days (8 people, for additional people the relevant fee will be charged)| 比赛日两天的保险(含8人,额外球员额外支付购买);
  • First aid kit and Medical treatment provided on-site | 现场的紧急救助及医疗保障;
  • Champion, Runner-up, and 2nd Runner-up Awards | 冠军、亚军及季军的奖品。

Fapiao will be issued by DUSA European Association Suzhou. | 苏州欧洲商会将提供发票。

Games Rules

  • 7 outfield players and 1 GK 8-a-side) | 每队7位队员及1位守门员(8人制);
  • No offsides | 没有越位;
  • No substitution limits | 无换人限制;
  • Substitutions should be made during dead ball situations. (Don't have to notify referee) | 在出现死球情况下应进行换人 (不必通知裁判);
  • Keepers may not pick up direct passes kicked or thrown. | 守门员不能在其他球员触球前把球拿起;
  • No slide tackling. All slides receive automatic yellow card. | 不能铲球,所有铲球动作都将自动收到一张黄牌;

*Sliding to stop the ball from going out of play, or to block a shot with no opponent in clear sight is allowed. However, if an opposition player is within range and the slide is deemed a tackle, this will be punished. | *为防止球出界或者在没有明显对手的情况下的铲球是允许的。但是如果在动作范围内有对方选手或者是为了抢球的铲球将会被处罚;

  • Goalkeepers may slide inside their area. | 守门员在自己区域内可以铲球;
  • Two yellow cards = One red card | 两张黄牌 = 一张红牌;
  • One red card = one game suspension | 一张红牌 = 停赛一场;
  • Two red cards= Disqualification | 两张红牌 = 取消比赛资格;
  • All referee decisions are final | 裁判的判决是最终的;
  • Profanity in any language is discouraged. | 不鼓励任何语言上的侮辱。

Tournament Format

  • The tournament will be from 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm for May 21st and May 22nd | 比赛时间为:5月21日 &22日 12:00 -18:00;
  • Each team will play three group games: the game length will be 20 minutes with no halftime during the group phase. 3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw, 0 for a loss. | 每只队伍都将有三场小组赛:小组赛为20分钟,没有中场休息。小组赛中获胜者积3分,平局积1分,失败积0分;
  • Total Points, Head to Head result, and Goal differential will determine group standings. | 总积分、总进球及净胜球决定小组排名;
  • The top 8 teams will compete for the CUP. another 8 teams will compete for the Plate | 前8只球队争夺"杯", 后8只球队争夺"牌";
  • After the group games, the knock-out rounds will begin on the second day. These games will be 25 minutes with no halftime. At the end of the game if the result is a draw, a penalty shootout will occur. | 小组赛后将次日进入淘汰赛。淘汰赛为25分钟,没有中场休息。如果最后结果是平局,将进入点球;
  • Penalty Shootout Rules: Only the eight players on the pitch can take part. Each team will take 3 penalties. If the score is still even, then sudden death scenario will occur. | 点球的规则:当8名队员都在运动场时才可以进行。每队有3次点球机会。如果依然平局,将采用突然死亡法。

Player Rules

  • No limit to roster size | 名册人数无限制;
  • No age limitation for player | 参赛人员无年龄限制;
  • A player may play for only one team | 一位运动员只能效力于一只球队;
  • There will be some temperature monitoring and QR code checks on the days leading up to the event as well as at the event. Details to come soon. | 准备活动时以及比赛当天都需要进行体温量测并检查健康码。具体细节见后续通知;
  • All players (including goalkeepers) are required to wear shin pads at all times.| 所有运动员(包括守门员)都需要始终穿着护腿;
  • Only astro-turf boots or moulded studs are allowed. No screw-ins or metal studs | 只允许穿人造草坪靴子或模制鞋钉的足球鞋。不允许穿带螺丝或者金属鞋钉的鞋子;
  • In the event of two teams having similar kits, bibs will be provided to the AWAY team. | 如果比赛的两只球队服装类似,将为客场球队提供背心。

Lateness | 迟到:

If a team is five minutes late, they concede one own goal, ten minutes late than an additional own goal. Fifteen minutes late = 3-0 Forfeit | 如果有队伍迟到5分钟,让一球,迟到10分钟,让两球,迟到15分钟以上,3:0 结束比赛。

Other Arrangements


Periodic safety checks for the benefit of spectators, players and officials shall be carried out on the stadiums selected for matches in the preliminary competitions by the authorities responsible with relevant safety certificate, which should not be more than one year old. | 为了保证观众,运动员和工作人员的安全,应选择安全的比赛场地进行比赛。比赛场地应为一年内通过检查的场地。

Organising committee shall organise adequate insurance to cover the team members and any other persons carrying out duties on its behalf against all risks, including but not limited to injury, accident, disease and travel in consideration of the relevant rules or regulations. | 组委会应安排适当的保险,以保障运动员和工作人员免于一切风险,包括但不限于伤害,事故,疾病和旅行,并应考虑到相关规则或规定。

Companies shall pay for incidental expenses and for any costs incurred by its Team ensuring that it will participate with the best possible team in all matches. | 公司应支付杂费和运动队产生的其他费用,以确保在所有比赛中能以最佳状态参加比赛。


Smoking is strictly not permitted in the vicinity of the field of play or within competition areas. | 在比赛场地附近或比赛区域内严禁吸烟。


·      Detailed schedule will come up later. | 具体时间安排请见后续通知

·      DUSA will keep you posted if there is any update with the Tournament. | 本次足球赛如有信息更新,DUSA将第一时间通知您。

·    If the tournament is postponed or cancelled due to the outbreak of Covid cases in Suzhou, the registration fee will returned 100%. 如因苏州疫情爆发等不可抗力因素足球赛延期或取消,报名费100%退还。

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