This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other DUSA European Association Suzhou events.

DUSA Oktoberfest® 2024

The 20th DUSA Oktoberfest® 2024, DUSA's flagship event of the year, is coming. It will start on Thursday evening, September 19th until Saturday evening September 21st, 2024.


Kempinski Hotel and DUSA would like to celebrate the 20th DUSA Oktoberfest® with our DUSA members, guests & friends. As every year, we will stick to our core values for the Oktoberfest: Tradition, Quality and Passion.


2024 DUSA Oktoberfest® Music Highlight will be flown in from Austria: The Band Edelweiss.

2024 DUSA啤酒节,来自奥地利的Edelweiss雪绒花乐队将空降现场。





Gold Sponsor: RMB52,888 


  • 88 tickets (32 tickets on Thursday, 56 tickets Friday/Saturday)
  • Extra tickets: RMB378 Thursday Night; RMB428 Friday Night /Saturday Night 
  • Extra food passing around per table - Roasted Crispy Suckling Pig
  • Additional Munich Brewery's home-brewed beer vouchers (24*0.5L)
  • One dedicated service personnel for every 2 tables
  • Logo on 2024 DUSA Oktoberfest® promotion
  • Logo on tickets 
  • Logo on mugs
  • Logo on main stage backdrop
  • Barrel tapping by GM
  • Company name in welcome speech
  • Own logo on table flag
  • Own logo on wall round down flyer
  • Own logo on festival hat – 88 hats 
  • Own logo on Ginger Bread – 8 pieces
  • 6 seats for the Sponsors' gathering @May 2025 
  • Kempinski Hotel Suzhou VIP Dining Card for GMs -10% off on total bill
  • Company event in Munich Brewery or Seasons Café at Kempinski (50-160pax) -5% off on total bill
  • Kempinski Hotel Suzhou accommodation vouchers of 2 suite rooms + 2 deluxe rooms
  • DUSA membership for 2025 



  • 88张票(32张周四票,56张周五/周六票)
  • 额外购票:周四人民币378元/张;周五周六人民币428元/张
  • 额外每桌派送一份食物-烤脆皮酒糟腌乳猪
  • 额外啤酒券 24张(0.5升/杯)
  • 每两桌有专人服务
  • 啤酒节宣传广告上展示公司徽标
  • 啤酒节票上展示公司徽标
  • 啤酒节纪念杯上展示公司徽标
  • 活动主舞台上展示公司徽标
  • 邀请公司总经理做活动开幕仪式
  • 公司名字在开场致词中被提及到
  • 用餐桌面使用该公司徽标桌旗
  • 在活动现场悬挂公司徽标挂旗
  • 每位来宾有赞助公司徽标的纪念帽一顶(共88顶)
  • 带公司徽标的传统姜饼(8块)
  • 邀请参加次年五月的赞助商晚宴(6个席位)
  • 公司总经理享有苏州凯宾斯基餐厅贵宾电子卡(账单总额可享10%的折扣)
  • 公司团队活动在啤酒餐厅或怡时咖啡厅享折扣 (预定50起至160人;账单总额可享5%折扣)
  • 金鸡湖凯宾斯基大酒店住宿券- 两晚套房+两晚豪华标准房
  • 赠送2025年DUSA会员资格


Silver Sponsor: RMB33,888 


  • 56 tickets (24 tickets on Thursday, 32 tickets on Friday/Saturday)
  • Extra tickets: RMB378 Thursday Night; RMB428 Friday Night /Saturday Night 
  • Extra food passing around per table -BBQ Iberico Pork Ribs
  • Additional Munich Brewery's home-brewed beer vouchers (16*0.5L)
  • Logo on 2024 DUSA Oktoberfest® promotion
  • Logo on tickets 
  • Logo on mugs
  • Logo on main stage backdrop
  • Company name in welcome speech
  • Own logo on table flag
  • Own logo on wall round down flyer
  • Own logo on festival hat – 56 hats 
  • 4 seats for the Sponsors' gathering @May of 2025
  • Kempinski Hotel Suzhou VIP Dining Cards -10% off on total bill
  • Kempinski Hotel Suzhou 3 deluxe rooms accommodation vouchers 



  • 56张票(24张周四票,32张周五/周六票)
  • 额外购票:周四人民币378元/张;周五周六人民币428元/张
  • 额外每桌派送一份食物-烧烤伊比利亚黑猪肋排
  • 额外啤酒券 16张(0.5升/杯)
  • 啤酒节宣传广告上展示公司徽标
  • 啤酒节票上展示公司徽标   
  • 啤酒节纪念杯上展示公司徽标
  • 活动主舞台上展示公司徽标
  • 公司名字在开场致词中被提及到
  • 用餐桌面使用该公司徽标桌旗
  • 在活动现场悬挂公司徽标挂旗
  • 每位来宾有自己公司徽标 的纪念帽一顶(共56顶)
  • 邀请参加次年五月的赞助商晚宴(4个席位)
  • 公司总经理享有苏州凯宾斯基餐厅贵宾电子卡(账单总额可享10%的折扣)
  • 苏州金鸡湖凯宾斯基大酒店住宿券 – 三晚豪华标准房


Bronze Sponsor: RMB18,888 


  • 32 tickets (16 tickets on Thursday, 16 tickets on Friday/Saturday)
  • Extra tickets: RMB378 Thursday Night; RMB428 Friday Night /Saturday Night
  • Extra food passing around per table - Spiral Cheese Krainer Sausage with Cranberries
  • Additional Munich Brewery's home brewed beer vouchers (8*0.5L)
  • Logo on 2024 DUSA Oktoberfest® promotion
  • Logo on tickets
  • Logo on Mug
  • Logo on main stage backdrop
  • Company name in welcome speech
  • Own logo on table flag
  • Own logo on wall round down flyer
  • 2 seats for the Sponsors' gathering @May of 2nd year
  • Kempinski Hotel Suzhou VIP Dining Cards -5% off on total bill
  • Kempinski Hotel Suzhou 2 deluxe room accommodation vouchers



  • 32张票(16张周四票,16张周五/周六票)
  • 额外购票:周四人民币378元/张;周五周六人民币428元/张
  • 额外每桌派送一份食物-特色蔓越莓奶酪盘肠
  • 额外啤酒券 8张(0.5升/杯)
  • 啤酒节宣传广告上展示公司徽标
  • 啤酒节票上展示公司徽标
  • 公司徽标在啤酒节纪念杯上
  • 活动主舞台上展示公司徽标
  • 公司名字在开场致词中被提及到
  • 用餐桌面使用该公司徽标桌旗
  • 在活动现场悬挂公司徽标挂旗
  • 邀请参加次年五月的赞助商晚宴(2个席位)
  • 公司总经理享有苏州凯宾斯基餐厅贵宾电子卡(账单总额可享5%的折扣)
  • 苏州金鸡湖凯宾斯基大酒店住宿券- 两晚豪华标准房


Our event partners will enjoy huge exposure and additional benefits before, during, and after the multi-day event. If you want to increase your footprint at 2024 DUSA Oktoberfest® and get the most out of this unique event, feel free to contact us.

我们的活动合作伙伴将在为期多天的活动之前、期间和之后获得大量展示机会。如果您想在2024 DUSA啤酒节上增加您的印记并从这个独特的活动中获得最大收益,请随时与我们联系。


Please register before August 8th, 2024. For registration of your sponsorship, please download and fill in the LOI, send it to Tel:18551283058.

请在2024年8月8日前注册。有关您的赞助事宜,请下载并填写好LOI发送至 Tel:18551283058.

Best regards,

The DUSA Team

DUSA Annual Partners

2023 DUSA Oktoberfest® Sponsors