The New Round of IBSS Brown Bag "Lunch and Learn" Sessions

Dear DUSA Members and Friends,

A big thank you for supporting the Brown Bag "Lunch and Learn" Sessions in the past months and we are delighted to present you the new round of brown bag talks from DUSA Annual Partner: International Business School Suzhou (IBSS) at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU). 

In this new round of brown bag talks, there will be six sessions with timely, concrete and practical topics concerning management. 

We are delighted to invite you to attend the fifth session "How to Make Your Next Big Decision" on August 12th, 2020. 

The Fifth Session

Topic: How to Make Your Next Big Decision

Our entire lives are structured around making decisions. Every day we make simple choices, like what to wear to work or what time to wake up, that doesn't cause us too much stress. Yet bigger decisions - ones that could change or impact our livesโ€” can be a source of significant anxiety.

People approach those big decisions in different ways: some use a more rational approach trying to analyze each alternative and choosing the most preferable according to define criteria, other prefer to go instinctively in a more irrational way.

In reality, there is not a clear separation among these two approaches because it is in human nature to include both instinct and reasoning.

What makes the difference are other elements which are the time, the availability of information, the previous experience and all of these elements combined are part of the decision making process.

Not only our "process" but also of those people we are dealing with. Therefore, knowing more about how people take decision means also to be able to direct their decision up to the point we want!


12:10 PM -12:50 PM, Wednesday, August 12th, 2020


Registration will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis, with priority given to DUSA Members.

Link of seminar will be sent upon registration prior to the event. Please ensure your e-mail address is valid and try also to check your junk mail just in case. 


  • Professor Roberto Donร  (Professor of Practice, Associate Dean for Professional Engagement and Programme Director of MSc Management at IBSS, XJTLU)

    Professor Roberto Donà

    Professor of Practice, Associate Dean for Professional Engagement and Programme Director of MSc Management at IBSS, XJTLU

    Roberto Donà is an academic and business practitioner with a long experience in China. He is a Professor of Practice in Management at IBSS, the business school of Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University in Suzhou, where he serves also a Associate Dean for Corporate Affairs and Director of the Master in Management. He is also Honorary Professor at School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of University of Chinese Academy of Science.

    Previously he has been a faculty member of SDA Bocconi School of Management and Bocconi University since 1990, Visiting Scholar (1996) and Visiting Professor (1998) at Stern School of Business (New York University) and Visiting Professor, Fudan University School of Management (2008-2010).

    Roberto has a strong international exposure having worked in Russia, Bulgaria, Argentina, USA and China. Since the beginning of his career, he worked also as a management consultant for both domestic and international companies serving in several board positions. Currently, he is also an independent director in a company listed at the Catalyst market in Singapore.

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Brown Bag August 12.pdfdownload



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DUSA Annual Partner