Dear Valued DUSA Members and Friends,
Thanks for your support to DUSA Salary Survey 2024. So far, we have already received around 60 responses. If your company hasn't attended this survey, we encourage you to click below link or scan the QR Code to attend this survey as your earliest convenience.
Please note: The information you submit through the survey will be used only by DUSA and salary survey partners to collate the survey results. Your and your company's information will remain strictly confidential, will not be disseminated to third parties nor will it be used in any marketing.
请注意:您通过调查提交的信息仅供 DUSA 和薪酬调研合作伙伴用于整理调研结果。 您和您公司的信息将严格保密,不会传播给第三方,也不会用于任何营销。
Please kindly click the link to fill out the survey:
or scan the QR-code by WeChat on the right.
** For best results, we recommend scanning the QR code using mobile data rather than Wi-Fi or accessing the website via a 360 secure browser.
The second round invitation is from September 3rd to September 13th. The survey will be closed on September 13th.
DUSA Salary Survey 2024 is an essential tool for businesses, providing valuable insights into salary trends and helping organizations make informed compensation decisions.
2024 年 DUSA 薪酬调查是企业的重要工具,可提供有关薪酬趋势的宝贵见解,并帮助组织做出明智的薪酬决策。
Building on the success of the DUSA Salary Survey 2023, DUSA European Association Suzhou (DUSA) are delighted to continue this initiative in collaboration with our esteemed partners: the China-Italian Chamber of Commerce (CCIC), the Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SwissCham), the Taicang Round-Table (TRT), the Wuxi International Chamber of Commerce (WuxiCham), and Acclime China.
继2023年DUSA薪酬调查取得成功之后,苏州欧洲商会(DUSA)、中国意大利商会(CCIC)、中国瑞士商会(SwissCham)、太仓欧商会(Taicang TRT)、无锡国际工商会 (WuxiCham)和凯普中国继续合作推出2024年DUSA薪酬调查。
吸引保留人才: 获得洞察力,帮助您在吸引和留住顶尖人才方面保持竞争力。
Participating companies will