Dear DUSA Members,
Thank you for supporting the DUSA/Hays 2020 Suzhou Salary Guide Survey. We have already received more than 150 responses from both DUSA and Hays. In order to get more representative result through more responses, we would like to send the 2nd round invitation. If you have already attended the survey, please ignore this invitation. | 感谢各位对苏州欧洲商会与瀚纳仕合作的2020苏州薪酬指南调研的支持,截止目前DUSA和Hays已经收到超过150份反馈。为了通过收集更多的反馈以得到更具代表性的调研结果,我们发送第二轮邀请。如果您已经参加了这项调研,请忽略该邀请。
Inpartnership with DUSA European Association Suzhou, Hays are examining recruitment and hiring trends in Jiang Su province as part of the ongoing commitment to collecting and sharing meaningful insight into the employment market. This survey is particularly focused on employers and candidates based in Jiang Su province and would really value your point of view. Appreciate very much if you can take a few minutes of your time to share your opinion on market and recruitment trends by clicking the link HERE
| 瀚纳仕致力于收集和分享对就业市场有意义的深刻洞察。而作为此项工作的一部分,我们目前与合作伙伴苏州欧洲商会一起进行这份调研,研究江苏地区招聘和用人的近期趋势以及福利待遇的重要性,您的观点对我们而言至关重要。点击链接 HERE,分享您的市场见解和招聘趋势。
The time of the 2nd round survey is from December 9th, 2019 to December 20th, 2019 | 此次调研的时间为:2019年12月9日至2019年12月20日。
You could share the survey invitation with the relevant survey participants in your company. | 您可将该邀请与贵公司相关调研参与者分享。
All responses are kept completely anonymous. All data will be kept strictly confidential. | 我们将极为重视信息的保密性。整个调研过程中,所有的调查问卷都为匿名形式,所有的数据都将完全保密。
If you have any questions, please contact | 如有任何疑问,请联系:
Sarah Tian, mobile phone: 185 5128 3058 E-mail:
Maggie Chen, mobile phone: 180 5104 2137 E-mail:
We highly appreciate that you take your time to fill the survey and we look forward to sharing the results with you.