DUSA European Association Suzhou is delighted to announce that the DUSA Badminton Tournament 2024 will be held on 

 October 19th (Saturday)

at Badminton Gym, Du Shu Lake Sports Center in SIP

the registration channel is now open.

Features in 2024

  • Teams and members: The competition plans to recruit 12-16 teams, each team consists of 5-10 people, including at least 1 female player. | 队伍和队员:本次比赛计划招募12-16支队伍每组报名人数为5-10人,必须有至少一名女队员

  • The tournament items:  men's singles, men's doubles and mixed doubles. | 比赛项目:男子单打,男子双打及混合双打三项比赛。

  • Awards: team champion, runner-up, the second runner-up, champion of the repechage and the participation adwards| 奖项设置为:团体冠、亚、季军, 复活赛冠军以及参与奖。


The registration opens to | 本次比赛对以下人员开放报名:

  • DUSA member companies | DUSA会员公司;

  • DUSA Individual members and employees from member companies who don't have enough players are welcome to join in our DUSA-All-Star-Team. | 另外,我们欢迎DUSA个人会员和无法凑足整只球队的会员公司员工以个人名义报名参加"DUSA全明星队"


Registrants shall confirm their participation by sending the entry form (see Annex), pay and appoint a team captain (for team registrants) before the deadline: October 13th, 2024. | 报名者请于2024年10月13日前完成报名手续。报名手续包括:填写报名表格(见附件),支付报名费用并任命队长(针对团队报名)。


  • Individual Players of DUSA All-Star Team

    RMB 200

    The tickets are for DUSA individual members and employees from DUSA member companies which cannot organize a team.

    Buy Ticket
  • DUSA Member Group Ticket

    RMB 3,000

    Buy Ticket

It covers following for all players | 报名费用包括:

  • One advertisement flag/board with company logo on the site | 参赛公司现场广告牌/广告旗一块
  • Lunch tickets (10 people) + 2 boxes of mineral bottle water+ shuttles | 10张球员午餐券+2箱矿泉水+ 比赛用球;
  • Insurance for one day (maximum 10 people, for additional people the relevant fee will be charged)| 比赛日一天的保险(最多10人,额外球员额外支付购买);
  • First aid kit and Medical treatment provided on-site | 现场的紧急救助及医疗保障;
  • Awards | 奖品。
  • Fapiao will be issued by DUSA European Association Suzhou. | 苏州欧洲商会将提供发票。

Overview of DUSA Badminton Tournament 2023

Tournament rules

  • Scoring System | 计分体系:

On group stage | 小组赛阶段:

  1. Only one set for each game. The set is played until one player or team reaches 21 points, with a minimum two-point advantage. If the score reaches 20-20, the player or team must win by a two-point margin or the first player or team to reach 30 points wins the set. Court will be switched after 11 points. | 一局定胜负,比赛为21分制,11分后交换场地,先到21分者且比分至少要有两分相差者获胜。如果比分为20比20, 就需要继续比赛直至两队比分有2分差异或者其中一队率先达到30分。
  2. In the group stage, each game needs to complete three items: men's singles, men's doubles and mixed doubles. | 小组赛阶段,每一局比赛都需要完成男子单打,男子双打和混合双打三个项目。

On Knockout/Repechage stage | 淘汰赛/复活赛阶段

  1. Three sets for each game. The 11 points system will be implemented for all competitions without chasing points. | 三局两胜制,每局11分且不加分。即率先达到11分的球队即为获胜。
  2. Each team needs to complete with each other for 1 man's single.1 men's double and 1 mixed double. If a team wins in both the man's single and the men's double, the mixed double will not be played, and the team will advance to the next round directly. | 两队比赛时,需要完成1场男子单打,1场男子双打及1场女混合双打。如果一队在男子单打和男子双打项目上都获胜了,就可以不用进行混合双打,直接晋级。

  • Points | 得分规则: 

On group stage | 小组赛阶段,

  1. Teams in each group will play each other once in a round robin format. Teams earn 1 point for a win and 0 point for a loss. Teams in each group will then be ranked according to points. | 每组各小组将以循环赛的形式进行一次比赛。获胜积1分,失利积0分。
  2. The two teams with the highest points in the group compete in the knockout, while the remaining two teams compete in the repechage. | 小组中积分最高的2只队伍出线参加晋级赛,剩下两只队伍参加复活赛。
  3. The promotion criteria: winning games > total score of the team > small score between two teams |晋级标准:比赛获胜场数>队伍总积分>两队对阵小比分。

       On Knockout/Repechage stage | 淘汰赛/复活赛阶段,

  1. Knockout:The group winner will play with the second other group, and the schedule will be determined by drawing on the spot.| 淘汰赛:小组第一将对阵其他小组的第二,具体比赛安排现场抽签决定
  2. Repechage: The 3rd winner of a group will play with the last of other group and the schedule will be determined by drawing on the spot. | 复活赛:小组第三将对阵其他小组的第四,具体比赛安排现场抽签决定。 
  3. Winners go through, losers go out. | 球队:获胜者出线,失利者淘汰。

  • At the end of each match, the referee and the players of both sides sign to confirm the result of the match. | 每场比赛完毕,由裁判员和双方运动员签字确认比赛结果。

  • 所有参加比赛的球员都应该是在报名名单上的人员,比赛前需要确认运动员的身份信息与报名信息相符。在一场比赛中,不能换人。All players on the field must be on the registration form. The athlete's identification needs to be checked before the game. No substitutions are allowed during a game. 


  • Badminton rackets for competitions need to be provided by athletes themselves. The organizer will provide shuttles.| 羽毛球拍由运动员自备,组织方提供羽毛球。 

  • All referee decisions are final. | 裁判的判决是最终的;

  • Timing: Please ensure that your team is ready on the court 5min before the schedule; 5 minutes delay will be considered as abstaining (0 point); | 时间安排:请确保您的团队在赛程前5分钟准备就绪;迟到5分钟将被视为放弃比赛(积0分);


  • Disciplinarian Action: Any ungentlemanly conduct will be ruled by the DUSA tournament organizer; Profanity in any language is discouraged; | 纪律处分:任何不文明行为均由赛事主办单位处理;不鼓励任何语言上的侮辱;


  • On-site spectators please stay in the auditorium and do not enter the competition courts. Children under 18 years of age should be supervised by adults/parents; | 现场观赛人员,请在观众席文明观赛,不要进入比赛场地,18岁以下儿童请由成年家长看护,并确保安全。

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