Hyatt Regency Suzhou
88 Huachi Street, Suzhou Industrial Park
The Mission of our SMAS Network is to practically support SMEs in the Manufacturing Industry by sharing practical Application examples and providing a practical Step-by-Step Application Guideline and to master their Transformation towards Smart Factory. The annual SMAS Forum is a whole-day flagship event of the SMAS Network diving deep into a special topic. After we have focused on the approaches to start the digital transformation in simpler manufacturing environments in the last SMAS Forum in 2020, we look this year into concrete applications for complex manufacturing processes. In the morning session our Keynote speakers will talk on one side about the long-term vision and the journey towards Smart Manufacturing from an academic perspective and on the other side introduce the concrete applications and benefits from their awarded digital factories. In the afternoon session, we will dive deep into selected technologies and its applications and benefits.
伴随全球制造业转型升级、数智绿色发展的时代潮流,新一代的高新技术与制造业深度融合。"智能制造发展与应用大会" SMAS成立的初衷是通过分享智能制造实践案例和方法论,同时提供渐进式的应用规范及实施指导,赋能中小型制造企业向智慧工厂的转型。第三届SMAS论坛的议题重点覆盖较为简单的制造环境中如何启动数字化转型的方法。本届的议题将重点专注探讨针对部分复杂领域,智能制造解决方案的具体应用。
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