Dear DUSA Members and Friends,
This is the last call of DUSA Online Training "Leveraging Emotion Intelligence to Navigate Anxiety" on May 12, 2020.
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) first shot into prominence by Daniel Goleman's report "Why it can matter more than IQ." In the recently ended COVID-19 lockdown, family members found themselves having to interact with each other in a level of intensity never experienced before. As a result, anxiety goes up, and we have to draw on our EQ to support family harmony. As we progress upwards in our career, EQ becomes extremely critical to personal success. We cannot rely on technical ability or knowledge to succeed. There is a greater need than ever to cooperate with others, leverage on others' resources to achieve higher output and better outcomes. As the global economy suffers from the COVID-19 impact, we start to feel anxious about business continuity and even more fundamentally our job security. How then can we leverage on EQ leadership during this challenge period and to manage anxiety?
Through this micro-couse, participants will understand what EQ leadership is and how to manage the anxiety through the EQ Leadership.
情商(EQ)首次获得人们的关注是通过丹尼尔·戈尔曼(Daniel Goleman)的报告 " 情商:它为什么比智商更重要"。在最近结束的新冠疫情居家隔离中,人们不得不长时间地和家庭成员待在一起,一些人因此而焦虑。这时,我们需要用情商来保持家庭的和谐;情商对个人事业的成功也是至关重要。当技术能力或知识无法让我们取得成功时,大家更加迫切地希望通过与他人合作,利用他人资源来获得更高的产出和更好的成果。随着全球经济遭受新冠疫情的影响,我们开始对业务的连续性以及基本的工作保障感到焦虑。在这个充满挑战的时期,我们如何才能利用情商领导力来控制焦虑呢?
Please register and pay in advance. Paid participants will receive a confirmation mail including Zoom Meeting Link and Meeting ID prior to the event. Please ensure your e-mail address is valid, and try also to check your junk mail just in case.
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If you register for an event but can't attend, please do let us know in advance. If you cancel 1 day before the event, there will be NO cancellation fee. DUSA will charge 100% of the registration fee for cancellation within 24 hours.