Dear DUSA Members and Friends,
DUSA/GAMI online training series on smart manufacturing are organized by GAMI, one of DUSA members. In these courses, experienced trainers and consultants will share the topics on the smart manufacturing online with you weekly. We are delighted to introduce the second round of the online training series. In this round, there are 7 courses covering Shop Floor Management, Quality Management, Lean, Global Production, Factory Layout and Supplier Management. Please find the detailed information as below:
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To eliminate waste in production operations at source and to create conditions for continuous improvement, factory layout planning from the plant design stage becomes an inevitable requirement for companies to implement lean production. This training will introduce you to the factory layout process and method based on the lean philosophy, as well as the practical aspects of factory planning and construction. | 为了从源头消除生产运作可能发生的浪费,为后期引入持续改善创造条件,在工厂前期规划、设计阶段实行精益设计就成为企业实施精益生产的必然要求。本次培训将基于精益理念的工厂布局规划的原则,介绍工厂布局设计的基本流程和方法,同时结合厂房规划建设的具体项目,带你了解在实际规划中如何进行精益工厂设计。
Outline | 课程大纲