This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other DUSA European Association Suzhou events.

新年新气象,新年新希望。我们邀请各位DUSA会员企业的青年人在新一年刚刚开始时,来参加这一期DUSA DARE活动,一起来探索青年人职场发展的话题并在教练的引导下立下你新年的目标。

New Year brings new outlook and new hope. We invite young talents from DUSA member companies to participate in this session of DUSA DARE event at the beginning of the new year, to explore topics related to career development for youth and set your new year goals under the guidance of coaches.

本次活动中,我们特别邀请了中央电视台英文频道主持人、出镜记者, Taskforce Consultancy创始人、总裁:邢哲铭先生和大家一起分享他的职业发展故事——"没有勇气,何来运气"


  1. 工作与"我":工作是体验世界与人生的途径和"容器"
  2. 人生不设限:拒绝别人给自己设限、不拘泥于自我定型
  3. 没有勇气,何来运气
  4. 向上突破:如何有效地"卷"
  5. 学会与自己相处
  6. 创业:创业是一场没有"剧本"的直播
  7. Q&A

At this event, we are honored to invite Mr. Zheming Xing, former CCTV English Channel host and reporter, CEO and Founder of Taskforce Consultancy to share his career story :"Without Courage, How Can There Be Luck?"


  1. Work and "I": Discovering Purpose and Growth
  2. No Limits in Life: Breaking Boundaries
  3. Without Courage, How Can There Be Luck?
  4. Breakthrough: Outcompete Effectively
  5. Learning to Get Along With Yourself
  6. Entrepreneurship: The Unscripted Adventure
  7. Q&A


Don't miss this opportunity to connect with like-minded peers and experienced professionals. Your future is in your hands—let's work together to shape it!


We can't wait to see you there!


语言 Language

中文 | Chinese

活动场地 Event Venue

The Circle

The Circle 圆俱乐部&音乐餐吧

the 3rd Floor of Suyi Show, No. 1 Guan Feng Street, SIP


日程安排 Agenda






问答环节|Q&A Session

Zheming XingCarter Chen (Moderator)






新年,新目标 | New Year, New Flag

Angela Pan (Moderator)Dr. Laurence Lau (Moderator)






目标及行动计划分享 | Goals and action plans sharing

Angela Pan (Moderator)Dr. Laurence Lau (Moderator)

组织者和合作伙伴 Organizer and Partner


Event Partner

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活动门票 Ticket

分享嘉宾及主持人 Speakers and Moderators

  • Zheming Xing (Founder and CEO of Taskforce Consultancy)

    Zheming Xing

    Founder and CEO of Taskforce Consultancy

    More Information

  • Carter Chen (Moderator) (CAD Engineer at ruhlamat Automation Technologies (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.)

    Carter Chen (Moderator)

    CAD Engineer at ruhlamat Automation Technologies (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.

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  • Angela Pan (Moderator) (HR at CCL DESIGN IDT(Intelligent Decorative Technologies))

    Angela Pan (Moderator)

    HR at CCL DESIGN IDT(Intelligent Decorative Technologies)

    More Information

  • Dr. Laurence Lau (Moderator) (Executive Coach, OD Consultant, AI + HR Architect and founder of C_Life Community)

    Dr. Laurence Lau (Moderator)

    Executive Coach, OD Consultant, AI + HR Architect and founder of C_Life Community

    More Information

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