Dear Valued Members and Friends,
We are pleased to invite you to attend a webinar which is co-organized with DUSA member: Shaohe Law Firm on December 6th. Mr. Wang Sai, Senior Associate, Attorney-at-law from Shaohe Law Firm will share a review of compliance on the supply chain.
I. Understanding the Supply Chain
A. Overview of the supply chain
B. Key stakeholders involved
C. Potential compliance risks in the supply chain
II. Conducting the Compliance Review
A. Gathering relevant data and documentation
B. Assessing compliance with legal requirements
C. Evaluating adherence to industry standards and best practices
III. Key Areas of Focus in the Compliance Review
A. Labor practices and human rights
B. Environmental sustainability
C. Ethical sourcing and fair trade
D. Product safety and quality control
E. Data protection and privacy
IV. Mitigating Compliance Risks
A. Developing compliance policies and procedures
B. Supplier selection and due diligence
C. Monitoring and auditing practices
V. Continuous Improvement and Monitoring
A. Establishing a system for ongoing compliance monitoring
B. Regular review and update of compliance policies and procedures
C. Training and awareness programs for supply chain stakeholders
VI. Case Studies and Examples
A. Real-world examples of successful compliance programs
B. Lessons learned from supply chain compliance failures
VII. Q&A Session
This is an online webinar which will be held on MS TEAMS. The meeting link will be sent out by email one day before the event. Please feel free to contact us if you haven't received the meeting link.